Sunday, 26 June 2011

Into the Eighth Month

This past Thursday we hit the thirty-two week or eighth month mark. Crazy business. Last week I had a few days where I felt quite overwhelmed for this upcoming journey of being a parent. Perhaps nine months is a bit long for me to mentally maul over what is to be. I am trying to focus my thoughts more on the present again. And the present has many good things to be thankful for that is for sure. We do not have the need we did before for a c-section so are back to planing on a natural birth. My liver and kidney function are back to normal now that my gallbladder is being managed. And the second diabetes test confirmed that I do not have gestational diabetes. Seven continue to poke, kick, and flip back and forth in rapid succession at times, which even when it is shocking or a little painful makes my heart overflow. Yes many things to be thankful for.

Speaking of focusing on the present, here is a picture from today just before we left for church. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

The Adventure Continues...

In the last post I mentioned that I almost did not join Bryan for our vacation to North Carolina. I was having painful attacks that started at the end of April. By the end of May not only did we still not know what was happening, but the attacks were getting longer and closer together. The baby was moving so much during this time which helped me not worry about Seven. Much thanks to my family Doctor who joined in on this journey to help figure out that the attacks were not just heartburn but my gall bladder. Apparently some stones and sludge in my gall bladder to be more specific. Yeah sludge... gross eh?! A low fat diet has made a world of difference which is such a blessing. On Sunday it will be two weeks since the last attack and I certainly hope this streak continues.

Due to the attacks I lost weight but all measurements continue to show that Seven is thriving. Another answer to our prayers! I actually just had another ultrasound today so will stick the picture below that I took of the screen. Not the greatest picture and to be honest kind of looks like a blob to me, but the ribs and spine are pretty obvious. Seven is already in position which makes me feel hopeful that this baby doesn't want to be in there longer then it needs to be. :) But of course at 31 weeks tomorrow I do hope Seven's content for another nine weeks.

Until next time...

Saturday, 4 June 2011

The Difference Six Weeks Make

The last two times I was 'done up' I had Bryan take a picture of me as most days I'm not feeling the Kodak moment vibe. I assume, though, that just as I peak through Facebook to see my friend's latest bump pictures I should give you some more updated pics to view.

The picture inside is around 22.5 weeks along all ready to go to my cousin Michelle's special birthday at the Hillebrand Winery in Niagara-On-The-Lake. What a time to be pregnant! But I still enjoyed the time with friends and family, eating some very delicious food. Yum!

Six weeks later the outdoor pictures were taken in North Carolina. A great vacation, although one I almost didn't go on. You see my body has been sort of spazzing out as Seven grows bigger. But I did end up going and had such a relaxing time hanging out with Meredith and baby Ivy. Bryan and Will got Nascar crazy camping and whooping it up trackside in Charlotte. When the races were over the guys came back and we joined Meredith's hospitable Mom and step-Dad for their annual Memorial Day cook-out. The picture in the dress was taken at the cook-out. The picture in the tank top is being put on here as it is Bryan's favourite, definitely wasn't 'done-up', and he took it outside of our favourite place to stop in the states - Panera!

It has been quite the six weeks between pictures. The baby has grown from (approximately) the size of a spaghetti squash to small head of cauliflower. The movement has changed from shooting around from side to side like an Olympic lap swimmer, to grabbing and kicking like a rock climber. Although the movements can take me by surprise, they are a great remember that Seven is not only there but thriving. :)